Westgate Tunnel Spoil Facility, Bulla, Victoria.

Hi-Quality Group/Symal
Complete, August 2022
$30 million


Construction of Melbourne's West Gate Tunnel project required approximately 1.5 million cubic meters of soil to be removed safely from the site and reprocessed under EPA guidelines. A purpose-built 'eco hub' soil processing facility was designed and approved for the selected Bulla site in regional Victoria.

Realsurv worked with construction partners Hi-Quality Group to complete foundation earthworks. This involved full evaluation and mapping of the sites prior to construction of the water treatment plant, containment cells and holding bays. The project included full-service survey data management, utilities mapping and coordination, design checks and associated 3D modelling.

Major roles and responsibilities

  • Site work consultation and surveying for Victoria's largest purpose-built soil treatment facility consisting of 59 holding bays, a water treatment plant, and 25-hectares of containment cells.
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